
Journal articles

  1. ANTARES Search for Point Sources of Neutrinos Using Astrophysical Catalogs: A Likelihood Analysis
    ANTARES Collaboration, Albert, A., Alves, S., André, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2021, ApJ 911, 48
  2. Measurement of the atmospheric \nue and \nu\mu energy spectra with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
    ANTARES Collaboration, Albert, A., Alves, S., André, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2021, Phys. Lett. B 816, 136228
  3. ANTARES upper limits on the multi-TeV neutrino emission from the GRBs detected by IACTs
    ANTARES Collaboration, Albert, A., Alves, S., André, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2021, JCAP 3, 092
  4. Monte Carlo simulations for the ANTARES underwater neutrino telescope
    ANTARES Collaboration, Albert, A., André, M., Anghinolfi, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2021, JCAP 1, 064
  5. Constraining the contribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts to the high-energy diffuse neutrino flux with 10 yr of ANTARES data
    ANTARES Collaboration, Albert, A., André, M., Anghinolfi, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2021, MNRAS 500, 5614-5628
  6. Architecture and performance of the KM3NeT front-end firmware
    KM3NeT Collaboration, Aiello, S., Albert, A., Garre, S. Alves, ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2021, JATIS 7, id. 016001
  7. High-Precision Determination of Oxygen-Kα Transition Energy Excludes Incongruent Motion of Interstellar Oxygen
    Leutenegger, M. A., Kühn, S., Micke, P., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Phys. Rev. L. 125, id. 243001
  8. Observation of the cosmic ray shadow of the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
    ANTARES Collaboration, Albert, A., André, M., Anghinolfi, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Phys. Rev. D. 102, id. 122007
  9. Observation of strong two-electron–one-photon transitions in few-electron ions
    Togawa, M., Kühn, S., Shah, C., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Phys. Rev. L. 102, id. 052831
  10. gSeaGen: the KM3NeT GENIE-based code for neutrino telescopes
    KM3NeT Collaboration, Aiello, S., Albert, A., Garre, S. Alves, ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Comp. Phys. Comm. 256, id. 107477
  11. Deep-sea deployment of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope detection units by self-unrolling
    KM3NeT Collaboration, Aiello, S., Albert, A., Alves Garre, S., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, JInst 15, P11027
  12. Combined search for neutrinos from dark matter self-annihilation in the Galactic Centre with ANTARES and IceCube
    ANTARES Collaboration, Albert, A., André, M., Anghinolfi, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Phys. Rev. D 102, id. 082002
  13. Event reconstruction for KM3NeT/ORCA using convolutional neural networks
    KM3NeT Collaboration, Aiello, S., Albert, A., Alves Garre, S., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, JINST 15, P10005
  14. The Control Unit of the KM3NeT Data Acquisition System
    KM3NeT Collaboration, Aiello, S., Ameli, F., Andre, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Comp. Phys. Comm. 256, id. 107433
  15. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the stellar wind in Vela X-1 during a flare
    Lomaeva, M., Grinberg, V., Guainazzi, M., ..., Bissinger né Kühnel, M., et al., 2020, A&A 641, A144
  16. High Resolution Photoexcitation Measurements Exacerbate the Long-Standing Fe XVII Oscillator Strength Problem
    Kühn, S., Shah, C., Crespo López-Urrutia, J., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Phys. Rev. L. 124, id. 225001
  17. Search for neutrino counterparts of gravitational-wave events detected by LIGO and Virgo during run O2 with the ANTARES telescope
    KM3NeT Collaboration, Aiello, S., Albert, A., Garre, S. Alves, ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Eur. Phys. J. C 80, id. 487
  18. ANTARES and IceCube Combined Search for Neutrino Point-like and Extended Sources in the Southern Sky
    ANTARES & IceCube Collaboration, Albert, A., André, M., Anghinolfi, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, ApJ 892, 92
  19. The giant outburst of 4U 0115+634 in 2011 with Suzaku and RXTE
    Bissinger né Kühnel, M., Kreykenbohm, I., Ferrigno, C., et al., 2020, A&A 634, A99
  20. Dependence of atmospheric muon flux on seawater depth measured with the first KM3NeT detection units
    KM3NeT Collaboration, Aiello, S., Ameli, F., Andre, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2020, Eur. Phys. J. C 80, id. 99
  21. KM3NeT front-end and readout electronics system: hardware, firmware and software
    KM3NeT Collaboration, Aiello, S., Ameli, F., Andre, M., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2019, JATIS 5, 1-15
  22. Spectral and Timing Analysis of the accretion-powered pulsar 4U 1626-67 observed with Suzaku and NuSTAR
    Iwakiri, W. B., Pottschmidt, K., Falkner, S., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2019, ApJ 878, 121
  23. Variability in high-mass X-ray binaries
    Fürst, F., Kretschmar, P., Grinberg, V., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2019, AN 340, 323
  24. The Physics of Accretion Onto Highly Magnetized Neutron Stars
    Wolff, M., Becker, P. A., Coley, J., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2019, BAAS 51, 386
  25. The First NuSTAR Observation of 4U 1538-522: Updated Orbital Ephemeris and a Strengthened Case for an Evolving Cyclotron Line Energy
    Hemphill, P. B., Rothschild, R. E., Cheatham, D. M., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2019, ApJ 873, 62
  26. A multiwavelength study of SXP 1062, the long-period X-ray pulsar associated with a supernova remnant
    González-Galán, A., Oskinova, L. M., Popov, S. B., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2018, MNRAS 475, 2809-2821
  27. The clumpy absorber in the high-mass X-ray binary Vela X-1
    Grinberg, V., Hell, N., El Mellah, I., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2017, A&A 608, A143
  28. Evidence for different accretion regimes in GRO J1008-57
    Kühnel, M., Fürst, F., Pottschmidt, K., et al., 2017, A&A 607, A88
  29. Towards a unified view of inhomogeneous stellar winds in isolated supergiant stars and supergiant high mass X-ray binaries
    Martínez-Núñez, S., Kretschmar, P., Bozzo, E., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2017, Space Sci Rev 212, 59
  30. A precessing Be disk as a possible model for occultation events in GX 304-1
    Kühnel, M., Rothschild, R. E., Okazaki, A. T., et al., 2017, MNRAS 471, 1553-1564
  31. Studying the accretion geometry of EXO 2030+375 at luminosities close to the propeller regime
    Fürst, F., Kretschmar, P., Kajava, J. J. E., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2017, A&A 606, A89
  32. Discovery and Modeling of a Flattening of the Positive Cyclotron Line/Luminosity Relation in GX 304-1 with RXTE
    Rothschild, R. E., Kühnel, M., Pottschmidt, K., et al., 2017, MNRAS 466, 2752
  33. Two giant outbursts of V 0332+53 observed with INTEGRAL
    Ferrigno, C., Ducci, L., Bozzo, E., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2016, A&A 595, A17
  34. The Goodness of Simultaneous Fits in ISIS
    Kühnel, M., Falkner, S., Grossberger, C. Ballhausen, R., et al., 2016, Acta. Pol. 56, 41-46
  35. The transient accreting X-ray pulsar XTE J1946+274: Stability of the X-ray properties at low flux and updated orbital solution
    Marcu-Cheatham, D. M., Pottschmidt, K., Kühnel, M., et al., 2015, ApJ 815, A44
  36. Simultaneous Fits in ISIS on the Example of GRO J1008-57
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Kreykenbohm, I., et al., 2015, Acta. Pol. 55, 123-127
  37. Formation of phase lags at the cyclotron energies in the pulse profiles of magnetized, accreting neutron stars
    Schönherr, G., Schwarm, F.-W., Falkner, S., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2014, A&A 564, L8
  38. The accretion environment in Vela X-1 during a flaring period using XMM-Newton
    Martínez-Núñez, S., Torrejón, J. M., Kühnel, M., et al., 2014, A&A 563, A70
  39. Measurements of Cyclotron Features and Pulse Periods in the High-mass X-Ray Binaries 4U 1538-522 and 4U 1907+09 with the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory
    Hemphill, P. B., Rothschild, R. E., Caballero, I., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2013, ApJ 777, A61
  40. GRO J1008-57: an (almost) predictable transient X-ray binary
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Kreykenbohm, I., et al., 2013, A&A 555, A95
  41. Long term variability of Cygnus X-1. V. State definitions with all sky monitors
    Grinberg, V., Hell, N., Pottschmidt, K., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2013, A&A 554, A88
  42. Observations of the High-mass X-Ray Binary A 0535+26 in Quiescence
    Rothschild, R., Markowitz, A., Hemphill, P., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2013, ApJ 770, A19
  43. No anticorrelation between cyclotron line energy and X-ray flux in 4U 0115+634
    Müller, S., Ferrigno, C., Kühnel, M., et al., 2013, A&A 551, A6
  44. Staring at 4U 1909+07 with Suzaku
    Fürst, F., Pottschmidt, K., Kreykenbohm, I., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, A&A 547, A2
  45. The reawakening of the sleeping X-ray pulsar XTE J1946+274
    Müller, S., Kühnel, M., Caballero, I., et al., 2012, A&A 546, A125

Conference proceedings

  1. High precision calibration of interstellar oxygen absorption
    Stierhof, J. R., Leutenegger, M. A., Kühn, S., ..., Bissinger, M., et al., 2019, in: HEAD meeting #17, American Astronomical Society
  2. Applying a physical continuum model to describe the broadband X-ray spectra of accreting pulsars at high luminosity
    Pottschmidt, K., Hemphill, P. B., Wolff, M. T., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2018, in: AAS Meeting #231, American Astronomical Society
  3. Stellar Winds in Massive X-ray Binaries
    Kretschmar, P., Martínez-Núñez, S., Bozzo, E., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2017, in: The Lives and Death-Throes of Massive Stars, IAU Symposium
  4. EXO 2030+375 Restarts in Reverse
    Kretschmar, P., Fürst, F., Wilson-Hodge, C. A., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2017, in: Conf. Proc. of the Eleventh Integral Workshop "Gamma-Ray Astrophysics in Multi-Wavelength Perspective", PoS, 10-14 October 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  5. Be-Phenomenon in Neutron Star X-ray Binaries
    Kühnel, M., Kretschmar, P., Fürst, F., et al., 2017, in: The B[e] Phenomenon: Forty Years of Studies, ASP Conference Series
  6. The Be X-ray Binary Outburst Zoo II
    Kühnel, M., Kretschmar, P., Nespoli, E., et al., 2015, in: Conf. Proc. of the Tenth Integral Workshop "Synergistic View of the High Energy Sky", PoS, 15-19 September 2014, Annapolis, USA
  7. The Quiescent Neutron Star and Hierarchical Triple, 4U2129+47
    Nowak, M., Kühnel, M., Chakrabarty, D., et al., 2014, in: "The X-ray Universe 2014" Symposium, 16-19 June 2014, Dublin, Ireland
  8. The Two-Faced Behavior of XTE J1946+274 Revealed by Suzaku
    Marcu, D., Pottschmidt, K., Kühnel, M., et al., 2014, in: AAS Meeting #223, American Astronomical Society
  9. Simulation of cyclotron resonant scattering features. The effect of bulk velocity
    Schwarm, F.-W., Schönherr, G., Kühnel, M., et al., 2014, in: Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary, EPJ Web of Conf., Geneva, Switzerland
  10. Luminosity dependent accretion state change in GRO J1008-57
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Kreykenbohm, I., et al., 2014, in: Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary, EPJ Web of Conf., Geneva, Switzerland
  11. Pulse-to-pulse variations in accreting X-ray pulsars
    Kretschmar, P., Marcu, D., Kühnel, M., et al., 2014, in: Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary, EPJ Web of Conf., Geneva, Switzerland
  12. Accretion Regime of A0535+26 During its 2011 Giant Outburst
    Caballero, I., Kühnel, M., Pottschmidt, K., et al., 2013, in: HEAD meeting #13, American Astronomical Society
  13. Cyclotron Line Measurements and a Torque Reversal in 4U 1538-522 as Seen by INTEGRAL
    Hemphill, P. B., Rothschild, R. E., Pottschmidt, K., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2013, in: HEAD meeting #13, American Astronomical Society
  14. The Accreting Pulsar XTE J1946+274: Further Indication for a Cyclotron Line from Suzaku?
    Marcu, D., Pottschmidt, K., Müller, S., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2013, in: HEAD meeting #13, American Astronomical Society
  15. A Suzaku view of cyclotron line sources and candidates
    Pottschmidt, K., Suchy, S., Rivers, E., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, in: Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond, AIP Conf. Proc.
  16. First INTEGRAL and Swift observations of a giant outburst of A0535+26
    Caballero, I., Müller, S., Bordas, P., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, in: Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond, AIP Conf. Proc.
  17. GRO J1008-57: a laboratory for accretion physics
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Fürst, F., et al., 2012, in: Conf. Proc. of the Ninth Integral Workshop "An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)", PoS, 15-19 October 2012, Paris, Franc
  18. Boon and bane of studying the multiple cyclotron source 4U 0115+63
    Müller, S., Ferrigno, C., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, in: Conf. Proc. of the Ninth Integral Workshop "An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)", PoS, 15-19 October 2012, Paris, Franc
  19. Suzaku observations of the multiple cyclotron source 4U 0115+63
    Hertel, D., Müller, S., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, in: Conf. Proc. of the Ninth Integral Workshop "An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)", PoS, 15-19 October 2012, Paris, Franc
  20. Cygnus X-1: shedding light on the spectral variability of a black hole
    Grinberg, V., Hell, N., Wilms, J., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, in: Conf. Proc. of the Ninth Integral Workshop "An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)", PoS, 15-19 October 2012, Paris, Franc
  21. LOFT Simulation Toolkit
    Schmid, C., Brand, T., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, in: Conf. Proc. of the Ninth Integral Workshop "An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)", PoS, 15-19 October 2012, Paris, Franc
  22. A scarcely known accreting X-ray pulsar
    Kreykenbohm, I., Fürst, F., Kühnel, M., et al., 2011, in: Astrophysics of Neutron Stars 2010: A Conference in Honor of M. Ali Alpar, AIP Conf. Proc.
  23. GRO J1008-57: high precision timing and spectral evolution
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Kreykenbohm, I., et al., 2011, in: "The X-ray Universe 2011" Symposium, 27-30 June 2011, Berlin, Germany
  24. 4U 0115+63: A bonanza of cyclotron resonance scattering features
    Müller, S., Obst, M., Kreykenbohm, I., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2011, in: "The X-ray Universe 2011" Symposium, 27-30 June 2011, Berlin, Germany
  25. Orbital Parameters and phase resolved Spectroscopy of 4U 0115+634
    Müller, S., Obst, M., Kreykenbohm, I., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2010, in: Conf. Proc. of the Eighth Integral Workshop ''The Restless Gamma-ray Universe'', PoS, 2010 September 27-30, Dublin, Ir

Fast communication

  1. Chandra/HRC localization and pulse period measurement of 4U 1901+03
    Hemphill, P., Coley, J., Fürst, F., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2019, ATel 12556
  2. EXO 2030+375 restarts in reverse
    Kretschmar, P., Fürst, F., Wilson-Hodge, C. A., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2016, ATel 9485
  3. NuSTAR Observations of SMC X-3
    Pottschmidt, K., Ballhausen, R., Wilms, J., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2016, ATel 9404
  4. Fading outbursts of EXO 2030+375
    Fürst, F., Wilson-Hodge, C. A., Kretschmar, P., ..., Kühnel, M., 2016, ATel 8835
  5. New type I outburst of GRO J1008-57
    Kretschmar, P., Kühnel, M., Nakajima, M., et al., 2016, ATel 8547
  6. NuSTAR and Swift detection of a  600 s QPO in 4U 0115+63
    Ballhausen, R., Kreykenbohm, I., Kühnel, M., et al., 2015, ATel 8231
  7. Bright apastron outburst of GRO J1008-57
    Kretschmar, P., Salazar, E., Laplace, E., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2015, ATel 6917
  8. Swift-XRT spectrum of the first detected double-peaked outburst of GRO J1008-57
    Kühnel, M., Ballhausen, R., Krauss, F., et al., 2014, ATel 6656
  9. INTEGRAL-detection of the ongoing outburst of the BeXRB KS 1947+300
    Kühnel, M., Ferrigno, C., Esposito, V., et al., 2014, ATel 6129
  10. Orbital parameters and spin evolution of RX J0520.5-6932
    Kühnel, M., Finger, M. H., Fürst, F., et al., 2014, ATel 5856
  11. Renewed activity of GRO J1008-57 after its giant outburst
    Kühnel, M., Kreykenbohm, I., Müller, S., et al., 2013, ATel 5004
  12. Improved orbital ephemeris of GRO J1008-57
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Kreykenbohm, I., et al., 2012, ATel 4564
  13. Swift observation during the current type II outburst of GRO J1008-57
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Kreykenbohm, I., et al., 2012, ATel 4577
  14. Unexpected flaring activity of the Be/X-ray binary GRO J1008-57
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Kreykenbohm, I., et al., 2012, ATel 4355
  15. A new hard X-ray transient discovered by INTEGRAL: IGR J18179-1621
    Tuerler, M., Chenevez, J., Bozzo, E., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, ATel 3947
  16. Swift/XRT follow-up observation of IGR J18179-1621
    Li, J., Zhang, S., Chen, Y. P., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2012, ATel 3950
  17. INTEGRAL Observations of MAXI J1836-194
    Del Santo, M., Kuulkers, E., Rodriguez, J., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2011, ATel 3652
  18. Renewed activity from the Be/X-ray binary GRO J1008-57
    Kühnel, M., Kreykenbohm, I., Müller, S., et al., 2011, ATel 3254
  19. INTEGRAL discovery of a new hard X-ray transient: IGR J17177-3656
    Frankowski, A., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., ..., Kühnel, M., et al., 2011, ATel 3223
  20. Multiple X-ray Observations of the Transient Neutron Star Binary XTE J1946+274
    Müller, S., Kühnel, M., Pottschmidt, K., et al., 2010, ATel 3077
  21. Recent Flaring of GX 304-1
    Kühnel, M., Müller, S., Pottschmidt, K., et al., 2010, ATel 3087